Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Pandemics Are Caused By Speciesism – Animals Exploited By Humans

There's a long history of deadly pandemics that are, like COVID-19, deeply rooted in our treatment of animals — especially the 70 billion who are raised and killed for food each year around the world.

While much media coverage has focused on wildlife wet markets where rare and 'exotic' animals are bought, sold and killed, confining this conversation to the often-illegal wildlife trade ignores the breeding grounds for disease created by industrial food systems globally.

It also ignores the large-scale destruction of habitats that is forcing wild animals out of their homes and into closer proximity with people and other animals.

All of these issues need equal scrutiny.  Animal protection and conservation groups are urging the World Health Organisation to call for a ban on wildlife markets and curb the illegal wildlife trade and ending factory farming — the number one cause of animal cruelty in the world today.

As a species, we haven't always been great at learning from mistakes of the past but that doesn't mean we can't be this timeIt's heartening to see some deeper conversations emerging about our relationship with animals; a relationship that is in urgent need of repair — not only for them, but for all of us.

Monday, June 1, 2020

The Truth About Dairy

The Truth About Dairy
Mounting scientific evidence points to milk as a source of disease, not health.  Despite no evidence that milk protects against bone fractures and osteoporosis, it continues to be marketed as necessary for bone health. The simple equation of milk = calcium= strong bones is nothing more than smart marketing.  Often thought of as the only source of calcium, milk, is a very recent addition to most food cultures. Great sources of plant-based calcium abound and include greens, broccoli, tofu, corn tortillas, nuts and seeds.

Medical studies have found dairy consumption to be linked to a higher risk for various cancers, especially prostate, breast and ovarian cancer, as well as increased sex hormones in children, and early puberty in young girls.  Also, the liquid calories and hormones in milk contribute to obesity and diabetes. 

When people who are lactose intolerant drink milk, they can experience digestive problems like gastrointestinal distress, diarrhea, and flatulence and impeded nutrient absorption. Lactose intolerance is the norm in most ethnic groups.

Every day in the United States 45 million meals are offered through the National School Lunch and School Breakfast programs. Federal and state school meal policies mandate that milk be offered at every meal. This is an incredible boon to the dairy industry, and places corporate profits over the health of the nation’s low-income children.  The harm done to children by school milk—and the benefit to the dairy industry—extend far past childhood. As children are taught that milk consumption is normal and necessary, healthier sources of calcium sources are overlooked and forgotten, and a whole new generation of future consumers is created.

Cows are Mothers.  They have been forcefully and brutally raped, and their babies stolen from them.  They grieve inconsolably for their babies.  The boys are brutally slaughtered.  The girls are fed a type of formula until they are just barely old enough to become Mothers themselves.  Then they are raped, tortured, tormented, and forced to produce milk until their bodies wear out.  ‘Spent’ cows are brutally slaughtered after their short lives filled with endless sorrow and pain.  There is a deep injustice in dairy.  For your sake and theirs, don’t consume dairy!

Most of Blog courtesy of Nassim Nobari, Seed the Commons, San Francisco