Sunday, March 3, 2019

Finding Global Solutions For Global Problems

“We The Peoples – Finding Global Solutions for Global Problems”, was the theme of the recent 67th United Nations Department of Public Information (DPI) Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) Conference.
Those present committed themselves to address global challenges, to uplift those whose rights are most under threat, to protect our planet by living in harmony with nature, and to share responsibility, and accountability among all stakeholders.    

It was affirmed that far too many are being left behind, and that benefits for some come at the expense of others, especially the most vulnerable.  It was mentioned that colleagues and friends are being arrested, abducted, and even murdered with impunity.  Progress towards sustainable development requires a multinational system that provides effective safeguards for all.   

A real global challenge is to protect all those whose ‘rights are most under threat’.  Everyone on planet Earth deserves ‘a place at the table’, to be treated with respect and dignity, given rights, regardless of their perceived value, and a share in the promise to ‘leave no one behind’.  The most vulnerable individuals in the world today are animals.  They currently have no rights, are exploited, routinely murdered with impunity, forced to extinction, and usually have no legal recourse. 

The Save Movement is the fastest growing grass roots movement in the world today.  It is currently comprised of 450 chapters in 50 countries.  Activists bear witness to pigs, cows, chickens, and other farmed animals on route to slaughter. They give water and some comfort to those individuals about to be ‘murdered with impunity’ to provide “pleasure for some at the expense of others, especially the most vulnerable”.  The Save Movement’s goals are to raise awareness about the plight of farmed animals, to help people become vegan, and to build a mass animal justice movement.

A real global challenge is to protect all those whose ‘rights are most under threat’.  Everyone on planet Earth deserves ‘a place at the table’, to be treated with respect and dignity, given rights, regardless of their perceived value, and a share in the promise to ‘leave no one behind’.

The United Nations needs a Convention Against Speciesism.

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