Monday, May 11, 2020

Industry Claims Torching the Udders of Dairy Cows Is Painless, By Robert Grillo

Just when I thought I knew all the common, standard industry practices in dairy farming, I find something even more bizarre and cruel. The sound in this video is said to be “turned off” since it is for “trade show purposes” but one wonders if the sound of the cows confined to stalls and having their udders torched would reveal how unpleasant this experience is for the animals. The claim that the cows feel no pain from having a flame applied to their sensitive udders is “udderly” ridiculous. We share the same kind of pain receptors with cows and just as with us, the nipples are one of the most sensitive areas of the body.
The video justifies the torching of cows’ udders as follows:
“The UdderSinge uses a low temperature flame passed 2-4″ below the udder and belly that removes hair quickly and painlessly. Removing hair aids in creating a healthier cow by reducing the occurrence of mastitis in the cow’s udder.
Mastitis is a painful disease that causes painful swelling and infection in the udder and is potentially fatal for the cow. Removing udder hair decreases somatic cell counts [blood cells] in milk thus making the product safer for the consumer.”
Yet it is the relentless cycle of forced pregnancy and lactation, and the unnaturally high rates of milk production, that cows in the dairy industry are subjected to, combined with being “nursed” by harsh mechanical equipment rather than their own babies, that causes mastitis to be so pervasive.
Add this to the list of atrocities inflicted on animals in the dairy industry: dehorning; tail-docking; spiked nose-ringing; sexual violation and industry-approved bestialityseparation of familiesslaughter of young dairy cows when their milk production declines; and slaughter of calves: all so we can steal the mothers’ milk of other animals when the only milk we ever needed came from our own human mothers, and then we were weaned.

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