Sunday, March 7, 2021

The Unfulfilled Promise of Nuremberg

From an article by Ben Ferencz (Wallenberg's Neighbor) and added to by Sharon Wallenberg

After millions of innocent people were killed in World War Two, everyone prayed for a more peaceful future.  The primary goal of the United Nations was “to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war.” 

An International Military Tribunal (IMT) was established in Nuremberg.  Chief Prosecutor Robert M. Jackson (US Supreme Court) warned that if law was to serve a useful purpose, “it must condemn aggression by any other nations including those who sit here now in judgement.” 

A war called Speciesism is being perpetrated on innocent victims by all developed nations.  This unlimited aggression is against those most vulnerable on this planet - defenseless animals - considered by some to be another nation.

“To initiate a war of aggression is the supreme international crime” was decided at Nuremberg...It was hoped that this might deter future wars.  Yet, it soon became apparent that not all were prepared to give up their perceived right to go to war. 

Speciesism, is a supreme international crime.  It is a war against the defenseless who are murdered, incarcerated, abused, subjected to habitat destruction and species extinction.  The by-products of this war are climate change from methane; pollution of water, land, and air; rising human health care costs and human morbidity and mortality.

The promise of Nuremberg remains unfulfilled.




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