Sunday, December 8, 2019

Next Week at the United Nations

Speciesism, the exploitation, and violent abuse of individuals of another species, is not recognized as a category of discrimination.  It is widely tolerated throughout the world.  Species other than human are excluded from any protection, are treated as objects instead of rights holders, and are subjected to violence and abuse of all kinds.

Respect for the rights of all species benefits everyone: humans, those of other species, and the planet.  It helps achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by ultimately reducing poverty, achieving food security, improving nutrition, promoting sustainable veganic agriculture, reducing human mortality and morbidity from diet related disease such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, sustainably managing the scarce resources of land and water, combating climate change, sustainably managing forests, and reducing pollution of air, water, and land. 

A UN Convention Against Speciesism finally ‘leaves no one behind’.  It creates a ‘place at the table’ for all inhabitants of planet Earth.  This proposed new UN Convention would bring clarity to the nature of the rights of all species, and to the responsibilities necessary to protect them.  It would view all species as rights-holders, and these rights would be in a single document.  In addition, it would raise public awareness in those nations which do not ratify this Convention.

#UNConvention, #Speciesism, #Vegan, #compassion

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