Sunday, April 19, 2020

Zoonotic Illness Kills Hundreds of Thousand of People

It has never been more urgent or necessary than now to globally shift our dietary habits away from an animal-based diet. The entire world is suffering from the current pandemic caused by the deadly novel zoonotic virus. The COVID-19 pandemic is crippling the global economy, healthcare systems, tourism and almost every industry, due to mandatory closures and quarantines being implemented to mitigate the spread of disease. 
Unemployment and loss of livelihood is happening at an unprecedented rate as businesses close down or let go of their employees. The most devastating effect is the vast number of victims which now number over 2 million infected and over 130,000 people killed (as of April 15, 2020). As well as humans, non-human animals have also been an indirect victim of the virus with millions of non-human animals being killed to reduce potential risk.

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