Friday, February 5, 2021

Sun Provides Energy For People and Planet By Sharon L. Wallenberg

The Sun provides energy, not only as a planet healthy alternative to fossil fuel, but is also the best source of energy for people!

Grass is green because of chlorophyll, the green pigment present in all green plants.  Chlorophyll is responsible for the absorption of light used in photosynthesis.  Photosynthesis is the basis of all energy; it is energy from the sun. All energy comes from the sun, not just solar energy to produce electricity, but energy for plants, animals and humans too.

Photosynthesis is the process by which green plants and other organisms convert light energy from the sun into chemical energy that can later be released as fuel for the organism’s activities. The process synthesizes foods from carbon dioxide and water and generates oxygen as a by-product.

Most animals, such as the horse- one of the world’s fastest animals - and the elephant – one of the world’s strongest animals, eat grass and leaves rich in energy synthesized from the sun.  Animals raised for food, such as cattle and chickens, also eat food rich in plant-based energy synthesized from the sun.

Why is it that some people believe they must eat animals - which get their food and energy from plants - for ‘protein’ instead of just going right to the source, and eating the plants?  I know!  It is because people crave fat and cholesterol!

What is cholesterol?  It is a waxy substance produced by non-plants for use in their body for cell repairs, and other functions.  The human body produces enough of its own cholesterol for these purposes.  What is fat?  It is a form of energy storage for an individual in the event of a shortage of food.  Why would anyone, who has their own source of cholesterol, and their own fat, rarely with food insecurity, want someone else’s fat and cholesterol?  I know!  They don’t have enough health issues already, and want the challenge of heart disease, diabetes and/or cancer. Fat and cholesterol from the meat and dairy based diet has been linked to these three serious health issues.

Sun is the greatest source of energy for the planet and people!  Be healthy!  Eat a plant-based diet!  Go Vegan!

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