Monday, April 19, 2021

"Transitioning To A Plant-Based Lifestyle", A New Book by Sharon L.Wallenberg

Today everyone is concerned with health, quality of life, and longevity.  Old ways are not working, and it is becoming more obvious that a comprehensive new approach is necessary.  No longer can we wait unit illness occurs or incorporate a nominal amount of exercise and supplements into our regime and consider the problem solved.  What is needed is a new Lifestyle!  And one that works!

Preventative medicine is a new relatively concept.  Given the rising healthcare costs, and plethora of preventable illness, it has practical ramifications.  Preventative medicine involves diet and exercise to prevent the more egregious and expensive maladies and for practical reasons and is beginning to have roots in modern medicine.  Lifestyle Medicine has begun to emerge as an alternative to conventional ways that are not working. 

I think it is possible to go further than preventative medicine and lifestyle medicine to simply ‘lifestyle’ which encompasses all facets of living life.  It is physical, mental and spiritual – mind, body, and soul!  This concept has been around for many years and was considered ‘new age’.  Although its roots may have been on the fringe, it is finally becoming a main-stream concept.  Doctors may refer to it as ‘Lifestyle Medicine’, but I prefer to simply call it ‘Lifestyle’ since it is an all-encompassing healthy way to live life.

‘Lifestyle’ includes not only Diet and Exercise, but also Relaxation, Rejuvenation, Detox, Happiness, Kindness, Compassion, Courage, Humility, Gratitude and Honesty - and most importantly - Forgiveness.  A toxic, unforgiving lifestyle can lead just as easily to disease and debilitation as any tangible cause.  Happiness and kindness may not have monetary value or scientific studies to prove their worth, but I believe they contribute greatly to wholesomeness and longevity.

My new book, “Transitioning to a Plant-Based Lifestyle” proposes to show you how you can live a fuller life, without the assortment of contemporary illness, dissatisfactions, and emptiness, a life that includes not just health, but happiness and purpose.  One that is lived with courage and conviction, is meaningful and enjoyable and includes the satisfaction of knowing that your life makes a difference for many more besides yourself.  It is called the Plant-Based (Vegan) Lifestyle.  

The Plant-Based (Vegan) Lifestyle is about compassion.  It is not just a diet.  It is a Lifestyle that not only involves diet, exercise, and health.  It is about making the world a better place, not only for people, but for the billions of other inhabitants we share this planet with.  It is about providing simple solutions to complex global issues.  Plant-based (vegan) is not a form of deprivation.  It is a lifestyle which embraces life, and life lived to the fullest.  This lifestyle holds the promise of a healthier population, a sustainable planet, and kindness and compassion for all.




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