Saturday, July 17, 2021

Food and Faith by Sharon L. Wallenberg

Food goes back to the Garden of Eden.  Animals ate leaves, grass.  People ate fruit, vegetables.  A ‘plant-based diet’!  Meat and dairy causes heart disease, diabetes, some cancers, obesity. antibiotic resistance, zoonotic diseases: covid-19, HIV / AIDS, SARS, MERS, Ebola, Avian Flu, Swine Flu, Black Flu, Spanish Flu, others.


Animal agriculture causes environmental degradation: land desertification, forest destruction, air, land, water pollution, and unsustainable use of land and water.  Methane from the animals raised for food holds heat in the atmosphere more effectively than carbon dioxide, making it the single greatest cause of global warming.  Species extinction from habitat destruction makes disease transmission between species more likely and more deadly.


“This is about food, but more importantly it is a justice issue.  Unjust treatment of individuals, who do not look or communicate like humans, is human pride and supremacy.  The unfortunate individuals are unjustly incarcerated in disease ridden, horrific conditions, subjected to mutilation, violation, rape, kidnap of their children, and ultimately murdered horrifically, usually while fully conscious, all to satisfy the whims of those in power – the humans.


“This is a charity issue.  “Of all the commandments, the greatest of these is love.”.  Love needs to extend to all the individuals regardless of species.  Earth is transitioning to Isaiah’s prophesized Peaceful Kingdom.  “The lion shall lie down with the lamb”, means plant-based food. 


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