Sunday, September 15, 2019

Overcome Heart Disease With A Vegan Diet

We are all concerned about heart disease because it is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the United States today.  Heart disease results when the coronary arteries which bring blood and oxygen to the heart start to narrow, pinching off blood flow, and threatening the viability of the heart.  Arteries narrow due to the growth of small raised areas, or little bumps, on the inside of arteries.  These bumps are plaques composed of cholesterol, fat, and cells over growing from the artery’s muscle layer. 

Cholesterol is a raw material made in the cells of all animals and humans.  It is used to make cell membranes and hormones, among other functions.  Animal products are the only significant source of cholesterol in the diet.  It is in chicken, fish, and beef.  Chicken has essentially the same cholesterol as beef.  A single egg has 213 mg of cholesterol.

Saturated fats are sometimes called “bad fats” Their name comes from the fact that the fat molecule is completely covered with hydrogen atoms - that is - ‘saturated’ with them.  If it is not covered with hydrogen atoms, it is called unsaturated.  Saturated fats stimulate your own liver to make more cholesterol, which unsaturated fats do not.  Saturated fats are solid at room temperature, like cooled bacon grease.  Vegetable oils are liquid at room temperature showing they are unsaturated fat.  All fruit, vegetables, whole grains and beans are very low in fat overall, with absolutely no saturated fat or cholesterol. 

The only scientifically proven way to reduce your risk of heart disease, or to reverse it once you have it, is with a vegan diet.  There are no animal products on a vegan diet – no meat, fish, or chicken, and no dairy products – no milk, cheese, yogurt, or eggs.  Therefore, it has no cholesterol or saturated fat.  Vegan diets include fruit, vegetables, salad, sprouts, whole grains, legumes (beans), and tofu. 

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