Monday, April 1, 2019

Corporations Today, Shifting Public Opinion, and Action

Corporations, benefactors of the dramatic shift of power in the world today, are being held accountable for their actions. One such example is Emanuel Exports.
Australia’s largest live sheep exporter, Emanuel Exports, recently had its license revoked.  After sheep are no longer considered profitable, they are shipped alive. More than 100,000 liters of urine and feces accumulates on a typical live export ship every day during the weeks that the sheep are on board.  The ship won’t be ‘washed out’ until after they disembark.  There is no food or water for the animals, and heat makes on-board conditions catastrophic.  When temperatures soar, sheep are literally cooked alive.  Any live animal needing to lie down risks being buried in excrement.  Those who survive will continue to suffer, now surrounded by the dead bodies of their companions.

Heavily pregnant ewes are shipped for slaughter like every other animal.  They will endure the trauma of live export while going into labor and giving birth.  Babies born on live export ships will lose their mothers, be trampled, or be killed by distressed crew members who are routinely ordered to slit the babies’ throats.  Weeks later, when they arrive in the Middle East, those individuals remaining alive will be slaughtered in the most horrific ways imaginable, such as ‘halal’.  All this is after enduring a lifetime of suffering while being raised for wool.

Sheep raised for wool routinely live a life of constant suffering.  Shearers are paid by weight, not by time.  It does not matter to them if an ear, breast, or testicle is sheared off.  If an animal does not survive being sheared, it is cooked and eaten by workers in full view of the survivors, who know exactly what is happening.  No medical attention is provided, even for the most serious conditions.
Thanks to Animals Australia, a grass roots movement in Australia, corporations providing live export will no longer be tolerated.  As the world becomes more compassionate, and technology exposes more abuses, we will be increasingly living in a kinder world.

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