Monday, April 15, 2019

Healthful Diet and Easy Exercise

No one likes to talk about diet and exercise because it conjures up thoughts of deprivation and exhaustion.  I agree!  I don’t like that either!

Recently I had the opportunity to take the Holistic Holiday at Sea cruise and became immersed in the whole food, plant-based diet concept.  It is amazingly simple, easy, healthful and delicious!  I hope you will agree!
First, it eliminates processed foods - anything that comes in a box or bag.  If it comes from a tree or field, it is not processed.  Instead of shopping in the supermarket, shop in a produce store.  This may take some getting used to initially, but it becomes very easy, and natural. 

Next, my concept of meal planning changed totally as I adopted the whole food plant-based diet to my own personal lifestyle.  I eliminated the standard meal plan: a main food (no longer meat, but meat substitute), a starch (potato, rice, etc.) and vegetable.  There were no more rules - anything went!  What a freeing experience!  Yes, I have had both rice and potatoes in the same meal occasionally, which would have shocked me years ago.  I prepared whatever I had in the kitchen from the produce store regardless of any preconceived formula.  A typical breakfast for me was no longer cereal, but could be corn on the cob, avocado, and tomatoes. 
Since the produce store does not have the same things each time, I learned to be spontaneous - buy what looked good, and meal plan according to what was in the kitchen.  It was a very freeing experience!  It was delicious and easy!

Then I went a step further.  Some people on the cruise were ‘oil free’, and some of the Speakers recommended it.  I did not agree, because I think the human body needs some oil.  However, I did become aware that I was using far too much oil, and eliminated added oil.  Out went the olive oil, coconut oil, and butter substitute.   I didn’t know if I could do it - but it has been almost a year now.  I feel fine and look good!

People on the cruise told me that they saute with water.   I tried it, and it works.  I also roast or steam vegetables which does not require oil.  Many people prefer the health benefits of the raw diet which is rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber.  I do this sometimes, but not exclusively.  The fruit and salad is always raw, and that is enough for now for me now.  

I learned that exercise can be simple and practical.  ‘Use the stairs’ was recommended by one of the cruise’s body builders.  It has the benefits of being easy, cheap, and convenient. I also take nature walks.  Being in nature not only exercises your body, but also provides tranquility and sense of well-being.  Exercise does not have to be torture (for those of us who see it that way). 

Hope these ideas help you on your path to wellness.

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