Tuesday, May 7, 2019

What Athletes Are Saying About The Vegan Lifestyle

More and more professional and amateur athletes are going vegan. Here is what they are saying:

“Eating a vegan diet has changed my everyday living.  I sleep better.  I wake up in a better mood.  I recover faster.  I’m not so inflamed, not so achy. I feel better overall in everything that I do.  I can take in more information easier. My mind is just open.” Wilson Chandler, Professional Player, Denver Nuggets, National Basketball Association
“After a point, nutrition plays a huge part in how quickly you can recover, how hard you can push yourself the next day, back-to-back days and stuff like that.  I feel like it’s helped me tremendously and given me a big edge in that regard.”  Griff Whalen, National Football League Player who has played for the Miami Dolphins, San Diego Chargers, New England patriots, and Baltimore Ravens

“I changed my diet about four years ago because I wanted to cut out red meat for health reasons.  From there, I stopped eating other meat products and then dairy.  Finally, I went vegan.”  Mike Zigomanis, Champion Hockey Player

“There was always something off-putting to me about eating animals.  I remember petting a chicken on my Grandparents’ farm and realizing that she was another living creature with feelings and emotions.  Like most people, I grew up with dogs and cats I loved and cherished.  While holding this chicken I thought, “How is she any different from them?”  Once I made that connection, there wasn’t any difference to me.  I couldn’t bury my head in the sand any longer.”  Austin Aries, Professional Wrestler

“Does it matter if our protein comes from plants rather than animals?  Proteins consist of twenty amino acids, eleven of which can be synthesized naturally by our bodies.  The remaining nine – what we call essential amino acids – must be ingested from the foods we eat.  A well-rounded whole food plant-based diet that includes a colorful rotation of foods like grains, nuts, seeds, vegetables and legumes will provide all of these amino acids for even the hardest training athlete.  I can absolutely guarantee that eating plant-based you will never suffer a protein deficiency!” Rich Roll, Ultra-Endurance Athlete

“Other bodybuilders eat steak, chicken, eggs, whey protein.  I just eat vegan versions of that; tempeh, tofu, seitan, rice and pea protein, some nuts and seeds, spinach and broccoli.”  Ed Bauer, Champion Bodybuilder

Even if you are not a professional, you can improve your stamina and endurance for golf, tennis, swimming, hiking, etc. You can believe these and other athletes. Try it.  Go vegan! 

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